There has been some discussion over recent years about the suitability of direct ventilation as an exclusive air supply for stoves.
Here we have pleasure in updating you on the current best practice with five easy steps that will make installing and commissioning a direct air supply go smoothly, will meet Regulations and will have the best chance of being effective long term.
Step 1) If preferred, use a direct ventilation kit if it is supplied with the appliance and can be fitted to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Step 2) If preferred, source a direct air supply if the manufacturer’s instructions give clear guidance on the suitability and specification of the kit, and it can be fitted as per those instructions.
Step 3) Find another ventilation method if the suitability and specification of a direct air supply cannot be established from the manufacturer of the appliance.
Step 4) Fit additional ventilation if the spillage test indicates poor flue performance using just a direct air supply.
Step 5) Complete the HETAS commissioning sheet. It not only documents the installation, but also requires the customer to sign confirming that any required safety information has been received and understood.
For full technical guidance on the use of direct ventilation we suggest you use these simplified steps in conjunction with the full list of procedures set out in the HETAS article Going Direct.
Rytons has a range of 100mm and 125mm Dia. Direct Ventilation Kits available from stock.
We are also able to make kits to your requirements in a range of sizes from 63mm-550mm diameter using the Tailor-made by Rytons service.
Should you have any queries or require any further help and advice on using a direct air supply call our technical sales office on 01536 511874.