August 19, 2015

Natural Ventilation v Heat Recovery and Mechanical Systems

These days there is a requirement for constructing more energy efficient homes and making the building fabric significantly more airtight.  However, these measures have had a negative impact on indoor air quality which can cause health issues to the occupants – in extreme cases asthma and other bronchial conditions.  The most effective way of combating these negative impacts is to introduce fresh outside air into the room via controllable background room ventilators (as required by Part F of the Building Regulations).  These ventilators do not negatively affect SAP testing (airtightness testing) as, being a Part F requirement, vents are covered up during testing.

The benefits of using Rytons Background Room Ventilators include:

  • They are easy for the occupant to control how much air enters the room.
  • They are easy to fit (even as a DIY project).
  • There are no long and complex ducting systems.
  • They require no maintenance unlike heat recovery or mechanical ventilation systems.
  • There are no running costs as they are not electrical.
  • They are economical to buy unlike heat recovery or mechanical systems which can cost thousands of pounds.

Rytons Background Room Ventilators are available in variety of sizes for new build and refurbishment projects.  Rytons Controllable LookRyt AirCore Ventilators are the most modern design with an internal panel which can be wallpapered or painted for a discreet appearance.

Also available is Rytons Super Acoustic Controllable LookRyt AirCore Range which reduce outside noise travelling through the ventilator allowing a good supply of fresh air with peace and quiet.  With more homes being built in areas affected by rail, road and other noises, Rytons Super Acoustic AirCore Ventilators are great alternative to mechanical ventilation or heat recovery systems.

For more information and to see our full range download our Background Ventilation guide.

First published on Rytons Blog 02.05.2013

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