On 29 September 2022, the SEAI (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland) hosted a Warmer Homes Panel webinar for installers. The seminar covered a wide range of topics relating to the Warmer Homes Scheme and, as ventilation experts, Rytons was pleased to be asked by the SEAI to produce a ventilation guide containing installation advice and [...]
Ireland's new National Retrofitting Scheme (launched 9 February 2022) provides homeowners with a comprehensive range of packages that make it easier for them to upgrade their homes to be more energy efficient for increased levels of comfort and lower energy bills. With upgrades likely to make the home significantly more airtight, assessing if there will [...]
Thousands of residents in Ireland are enjoying both financial benefits and increased comfort by living in a more energy efficient home, having had insulation improvements made with grants from the Better Energy Homes (BEH) and Better Energy Warmer Homes (BEWH) schemes through SEAI. With cavity wall insulation accounting for 22% of the measures approved since [...]