The introduction of a golden thread for higher-risk residential buildings is part of the Building Safety Act for England. Each building is required to have a golden thread to provide a single source of information for dutyholders to understand the building and the steps needed to keep the building and its occupants safe.
Created at the design stage and updated throughout construction and handover, a building’s golden thread is stored digitally, allowing relevant parties, such as dutyholders and emergency services, access to crucial information when they need it.
A key part of the golden thread is the provision of information on the materials used in the building to demonstrate compliance with the building regulations during construction or refurbishment. To achieve this, the dutyholder, such as the principal designer or contractor, needs to be supported by product manufacturers with good quality information.
As the UK’s leading manufacturer of non-combustible, A1 fire-rated metal HVAC ducting kits, grilles and vents for high-rise, higher-risk buildings, we are pleased to announce that all Rytons A1® product specifications now include a golden thread pdf download link.
Rytons Golden Thread of Information contains statements covering:
- materials,
- warranty, corrosion and maintenance,
- regulations,
- health and safety,
- insurance and
- intellectual property.
These statements, combined with the product’s technical drawing provide a comprehensive thread that demonstrates competency, skill and knowledge.
Extracts from The Building Regulations, Approved Document B: Fire safety.

RELEVANT BUILDINGS: Residential buildings over 18m high (11m high in Scotland)
RETROFIT: Residential buildings 11m high and above, undergoing unsafe cladding remediation work
REGULATION: Materials forming part of an external wall or specified attachment to be of European Classification A1 or A2-s1, d0.
ACHIEVED BY: Using products made of non-combustible materials within any space, forming part of the external wall.

Buildings where people sleep on the premises
(residential, institutional or hospitality)
REGULATION: The external surfaces of external walls should comply with European Classification A2-s1, d0 or better.
ACHIEVED BY: Using products made of non-combustible materials when fixed to, or passing through, the external surface of the external wall.

Buildings where people sleep on the premises
(residential, institutional or hospitality)
REGULATION: The external surfaces of external walls within 1m of the relevant boundary should comply with European Classification B-s3, d2 or better.
ACHIEVED BY: Using products made of non-combustible materials when fixed to or passing through the external surface of an external wall. Note: As plastic cannot meet the B-s3, d2 criteria, alternative metal products will be required.
For further information, or to discuss any non-combustible ventilation requirements, please do not hesitate to call our technical sales office on 01536 511874 or email admin@rytons.com.