In October 2010 the Building Regulations Part J changed – but we find that some manufacturers still have not. The changes meant all ventilators for heat producing appliances should be tested by an accredited independent company for equivalent area. Equivalent area is a calculation of the amount of air that can actually pass through the product not (as previously) geometrical free area which is simply the measurement of the most restricted openings. The old style of measurement (free area) was felt to be less accurate due to the more modern ventilator designs which tend to incorporate changes in shape, complex baffles and cowls which limit air flow.
If you look at the image 1 it’s easy to appreciate how simply measuring the gaps between the baffles would not be a true reflection of how much air actually flows through the vent as a complete set (image 2). That’s why it’s so important to purchase products which declare an equivalent area.
Being at the forefront of ventilation we realised this was the safest and most accurate way to measure airflow many years ago and have been publishing only equivalent areas for our boiler, stove and fire ventilators for over a decade.
We are currently the only manufacturer to have products approved by HETAS. We also have our own on-site testing facility for research and development of our products before sending them away for independent testing.
So next time you go to purchase a ventilator for a fire, boiler or stove ask for the equivalent area to ensure you comply with current Building Regulations.
Author: Anthony Irwin, Sales Director at Rytons Building Products
All information given is in good faith and to the best of our knowledge is true and accurate at the date of publication. However, no guarantee regarding its accuracy is given, nor should Rytons representatives or agents imply any such guarantee. Customers should satisfy themselves that the products are suitable for the intended purpose.