With rising living costs and wasted energy at the forefront of people’s minds, here are two simple steps you can take this winter to keep the over-venting of heat-producing appliances to a minimum, saving £££ and keeping the room warm and comfortable whilst efficiently ventilated.
Step 1: Use our free online calculators to determine how much air the appliance requires. There are calculators for appliance installations in England & Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. They are great time-saving tools. Links are below – give them a try.
England & Wales:
- Stove ventilation: extracts and ventilation calculator>>
- Open fire ventilation: extracts and ventilation calculator>>
- Gas appliance ventilation: extracts and ventilation calculator>>
Northern Ireland:
- Stove ventilation: extracts and ventilation calculator>>
- Open fire ventilation: extracts and ventilation calculator>>
- Gas appliance ventilation: extracts and ventilation calculator>>
- Stove ventilation: extracts and ventilation calculator>>
- Open fire ventilation: extracts and ventilation calculator>>
- Gas appliance ventilation: extracts and ventilation calculator>>
Republic of Ireland:
- Stove ventilation: extracts>>
- Open fire ventilation: extracts and ventilation calculator>>
- Gas appliance ventilation: extracts>>
Step 2: Choose the perfect vent from our extensive range – there are more options than you might think. From the industry’s favourite draught-reducing LookRyt® core vents to direct air supply kits and floor vents. Here are some popular choices:
AC3LP: Rytons Mini LookRyt® AirCore®
Find out more>>
3″ diameter core vent for low kW stoves
3,168mm² (mini tube and grilles)
HETAS Approved
HETAS Approved
AAC125LP: Rytons Super Acoustic LookRyt® AirCore®
Find out more>>
5″ diameter core vent
7,400mm² (noise reducing tube)
HETAS Approved
Cowled option available here>>
AC7LP: Rytons Baffled LookRyt® AirCore®
Find out more>>
5″ diameter core vent
7,900mm² (baffled tube)
HETAS Approved
Cowled option available here>>
Rytons Direct Venting
Find out more>>
AC10LP: Rytons LookRyt® AirCore®
Find out more>>
5″ diameter core vent
10,400mm² (unrestricted tube)
HETAS Approved
Cowled option available here>>
Rytons Floor
Find out more>>
Stylish venting options for a room
FV10BRASS: Mirror polished brass grille
FV10MSS: Mirror stainless steel grille
For prices, ordering or to find a local distributor, please do not hesitate to contact our sales office on 01536 511874 or email admin@rytons.com.