All posts by: admin

About admin

Increased Window Vent Range

Control, dilute and remove excess moisture and airborne pollutants from habitable rooms and wet rooms with our brand new and best ever range of window trickle ventilators.  Just launched, these new window vents are available in three sizes and complement our extensive range of through-wall vents perfectly for a great choice of background room ventilators. [...]
Background Ventilation News

Karen Celebrates 25 Years with Rytons

In the spring of 1988 I was just coming to the end of my college course in Office Practice when a job advertisement for a Sales Administrator was read out in a typing class.  I applied for the position, was offered the job and 25 years ago today I started my working life at Rytons. [...]
Staff News

Natural Ventilation v Heat Recovery and Mechanical Systems

These days there is a requirement for constructing more energy efficient homes and making the building fabric significantly more airtight.  However, these measures have had a negative impact on indoor air quality which can cause health issues to the occupants - in extreme cases asthma and other bronchial conditions.  The most effective way of combating [...]
Acoustic Ventilation News, Background Ventilation News

Choosing an Acoustic Vent – 5 Top Tips

Acoustics is an extremely technical field and sourcing suitable ventilators to meet an acoustic report can be a challenge if you’re not an acoustician. Here are our top tips for choosing the right acoustic vent:- 1. If you are looking at products of a similar type from different manufacturers always compare like-for-like results e.g. Dn,e,w [...]
Acoustic Ventilation News

Finally! Ventilation that Looks Right

A new, innovative solution to disguising unsightly, draughty room ventilators is here! Rytons LookRyt AirCore Ventilators are a fantastic new range of 125mm dia. core ventilators.  Each LookRyt AirCore set features a new internal LookRyt panel, uniquely designed with a face plate suitable for wallpapering or painting in any colour for a discrete appearance. The [...]
Acoustic Ventilation News, Background Ventilation News, Boiler, Stove & Fire Ventilation News

Venting and Draining Timber Frame

Outlining the Regulations The Building (Scotland) Regulations - Domestic Cavities should be vented to the outside air by installing ventilators with at least 300mm² free opening area at 1.2m maximum centres. Precipitation can penetrate the outer leaf of an external wall and cavities are normally drained through weep holes. These weep holes can also provide [...]
Cavity & Underfloor Ventilation News

New! Flat Channel Ducting Air Brick Adaptors

As a direct result of customer feedback, Rytons is proud to launch two brand new Multifix Air Brick adaptors for flat channel ducting. We know the importance of having the right product for the job and so after a number of requests we are now launching new 110mm x 54mm (4” equivalent) and 204mm x [...]
Ducting News

Natural Background Ventilation

Natural background ventilation is a concept that has been around for thousands of years originating from Middle Eastern architecture. After the Second World War mechanical ventilation systems began to boom in the UK.  However in recent years sustainable designs have become more popular among architects and this is clearly apparent in modern schools and office […]

Background Ventilation News